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Benefits & Side Effects

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First off, I have been very regular all of my life. This is week 6 for me, so I've done 13 fast days, and they have definitely gotten easier in that I don't get headaches any more, I'm not tired, and I'm not particularly hungry all day. I've lost 8 lbs so far. But man, this constipation is getting to me! It started probably week before last, and it wasn't awful to start, but now it's progressed to where I have to take some serious meds for it. I feel it two days after a fast day, but this week I hadn't recovered from Thursday in time for my Monday fast day. I felt absolutely like crap last night (no pun intended). On my fast days I eat very well with eggs for breakfast and a soup filled with veggies and beans for dinner. Plus I drink a ton of water and hot tea on fast days. In general I eat well even on non-fast days. What can I do to prevent this from happening every week now?
Sorry to hear you're having this problem, it can't be pleasant :( I've only had it once or twice since starting in August and to be honest couldn't be sure if it was related to the fasting or not on those occasions. This certainly sounds like it is - being relatively early days your body may yet adjust to it and resolve this issue on its own. However I wonder if meanwhile something like a bowl of all-bran or some other fibre-rich breakfast might help on the day after a fast?

Similar topics listed below included this which may be helpful:
Oddly enough, I have a bag of snacking apricots by my desk for my feed days! I wonder if this is what has kept me regular?
I wonder if a natural fiber supplement would help?
What can I do to prevent this from happening every week now?

Eat less and defecate more :grin: Sorry, that's a pun on the standard "how to lose weight" advice from doctors of eat less and move more.

I'm not clear if you're bunged up - ie can't go - or just don't need to go as often.

You could try one of the soluble fibres like Inulin or Benefiber which can be mixed into drinks or food - Benefiber is in the digestive health or women's health section in ASDA, containers bit like diet hot choc but light green.

The scale below may be helpful in defining the problem -

Oh how I've missed the poo chart! In my old shared house the boys had put one of these up in the bathroom, reporting in their 'type' each day.

Sorry, the chart just brought back memories of no relevance whatsoever to the topic. I may have to print that and stick it up in the cloakroom for old time's sake!
The poo chart is so funny!
I suffer with constipation too but have managed to identify particular problem foods. Eggs for instance are guaranteed to bung me up for days despite them being a healthy food. I haven't eaten white bread for years now because it's another problem for me.
I swear by All Bran and add linseed to porridge in the mornings sometimes too.
My advice is to work it out for yourself (no pun intended!) by examining your diet. Meds is a bad road to go down unless you're truly desperate.
Same here. Yesterday I felt horrible all day. Bloated, in minor pain, nauseated... I took a laxative last night which helped a bit today but according to my calculations I'm probably 3 days behind in toilet visits.
I will hit the chemist on Thursday and get me some kind of oil that we are giving my grandmother (she is bedridden and takes lots of medication).
According to her doctor, it'a natural and mild.
I find psyllium husk (Ispaghula) very helpful on fasting days. You can also use it on a daily basis. Mix a teaspoon (6g containing 2,5 saccharose, so not a lot of calories) with a large glass of fluid and drink immediately. They add fiber and bind water, resulting in extra bulk. Linseed, bran and dried prunes are supposed to help, but I found this most effect as a preventative measure.
Others here have spoken favourably of chia seeds.
I tried prunes and oatmeal but they did nothing but move things a bit (just a bit, I need more, LOL).
I found pills with senna, similar to one I got from Boots but ran out and I will buy them tomorrow.
Psyllium is also in my next order from H&B. I just want to receive the last one and try the Zero Noodles before I place a new one, so that I will know whether to order more noodles or not.
Hi Guys, you might want to try some Fybogel (orange/lemon/plain) granules, available at most pharmacies. Good luck! :clover:
Forgot to reply to MarieNc.
Marie, I find that usually the Colax Aloe Vera Colon Cleansers help a lot.
I also use laxatives with senna leaves from Boots (and now found something similar to them in Greece).
At first, prunes did help but now they don't...
Loving the chart. My poos are currently type 1. Help!
I never check my poo, it's gross! :-/
Seriously though, what have you tried so far?
Like Coffeecat said, psyllium husks.

I take them with last meal before the fast. They make you feel really full inside. Lots of water and coffee helps, too.

I didn't realize it at first, but I guess I'm suffering from a similar problem!
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